The work group is currently headed by the following academics. (2024 - 2027)

Portrait Stefan Bruckner

Prof. Dr
Stefan Bruckner

University of Rostock
Institute for Visual and Analytic Computing

Portrait of Monique Meuschke

Monique Meuschke

Vice Speaker
Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
Department of Simulation and Graphics

Portrait of Katja Buehler

Katja Bühler

VRVis Vienna
Biomedical Image Informatics Group

Portrait of Teodora Chitiboi

Teodora Chitiboi

Siemens Helthineers GmbH

Portrait of Sandy Engelhardt

Jun.-Prof. Dr
Sandy Engelhardt

Heidelberg University Hospital
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine

Portrait of Anja Hennemuth

Prof. Dr-Ing.
Anja Hennemuth

Charité - Institute of Computer-assisted Cardiovascular Medicine

Portrait of Kai Lawonn

Jun.-Prof. Dr-Ing. habil.
Kai Lawonn

University of Jena
Visualization and Explorative Data Analysis Group

Portrait of Lars Linsen

Prof. Dr-Ing.
Lars Linsen

WWU Münster
VISualisation and graphIX (VISIX)

Portrait of Steffen Oeltze-Jafra

Prof. Dr-Ing.
Steffen Oeltze-Jafra

Hannover Medical School
Peter L. Reichertz Institute for Medical Informatics

Portrait of Christoph Palm

Prof. Dr
Christoph Palm

OTH Regensburg
Medical Image Computing Group

Portrait of Bernhard Preim

Prof. Dr
Bernhard Preim

Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
Department of Simulation and Graphics

Portrait of Renata Raidou

Renata Raidou

TU Wien
Institute of Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology

Portrait Timo Ropinski

Prof. Dr
Timo Ropinski

Ulm University
Research Group Visual Computing

Portrait of Thomas Schultz

Prof. Dr
Thomas Schultz

University of Bonn
Visualization and Medical Image Analysis

Portrait of Lars Walczak

Lars Walczak

Charité - Institute of Computer-assisted Cardiovascular Medicine

List of former speakers and vice speakers

We thank the following very dedicated committee members for their constant and active contributions:

  • Prof. Dr Timo Ropinski (speaker, 2018-2024)
  • Prof. Dr-Ing. Anja Hennemuth (vice-speaker, 2018-2024)
  • Prof. Dr Dorith Merhof (speaker, 2012-2018)
  • Dr Felix Ritter (vice-speaker, 2012-2018)
  • Prof. Dr Bernhard Preim (founding member and speaker, 2004-2012)
  • Prof. Dr Christian Hege (founding member and vice-speaker, 2004-2012)